Rocketpuppy's world

{July 30, 2010}   I’m back!

Ok, so it’s almost August. Sorry for the absence. Blogging is not that easy on the iPod, and I really don’t get the time to play at work. I’m hoping to get on the computer at home more so MAYBE I’ll actually post again.

The Puppy (short for “Rocketpuppy” of course 🙂 ) is now 2. I used to teach 3 year olds and always thought that was my favorite age, but I’m kind of liking the 2 thing right now. She’s talking SO much, repeating phrases and actions (no naughty words, thank goodness!). She’s got her own vocabulary, such as “eemoo” for “thank you” and “hane” for “flag.” She calls my dad “Papa Hane” because he has a flag in the front yard 🙂 She’s become even more active in the last few weeks. “Bounce” is one of her new words!! I really would like to get her into some sort of large muscle class, just to burn off some energy and maybe socialize her a little. I’m just having a tough time finding something for children under the age of 3 that we can afford AND that is not in the middle of the day (cuz some of us work, ya know). She LOVES her kitties and has been known to sit under the dining room table with Tigger. Most mornings she says goodbye to each of them before going to grandma’s: “Bye-bye Kitty Rory, Bye-bye Nunny Kitty, bye-bye kitty Roo-Roo.” So cute!
Mommy’s life has been…something lately. I have been stressed at work and lately came to the conclusion that I may have a bit of depression. This week has actually been ok, but I need to find a way to handle stress and get a better handle on life so that I can be a good mommy for the Puppy. I took a couple of days off from work to spend some time playing with the kid, but once I got done with a haircut and oil change, I just didn’t want to do anything else but read a book…all weekend! Not BAD, but I could have been doing so much more….I have an appointment in a couple of weeks, so I’m hoping that can help me find me again.
Well, it’s almost 1am and I’m sure my day will start bright and early at 7am. Target day….Puppy’s favorite 🙂

et cetera